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GTI Designs in association with the Gelato and Pastry Institute of America offers classes, seminars and demos on how to make Gelato / Ice Crem, Pastries, and more...

The Gelato and Pastry Institute of America brings the experts in the ice cream and pastry industry to you the entrepreneur. GPI has assembled some of the leaders in the industry in regards to master chefs as well as equipment.

At GPI you will receive hands-on training on the finest gelato and ice cream equipment in the world Carpigiani. Carpigiani is the world leader in ice cream equipment offering breakthrough technology that no one else can, to create the greatest desserts in the world.

GPI believes that knowledge is power, the instructional hands on demonstrations in the making of artisanal ice creams, as well as classroom question and answer sessions will help you design and market your concept. The goal of our courses is to prepare you so that you will be able to begin running your very own dessert shop and feel truly confident in doing so. GPI ‘How Sweet It Is' .

Visit www.gpiamerica.org for classes and schedules >>


GTIDesigns, 35 Trade Zone Court , Ronkonkoma, NY 11779
Tel 800-896-4484